Sunday, April 20, 2014

Trip to Shanghai 2 - City Days and Nights

On the way to the Yuyuan Garden

This was the entrance to the garden, where there's a lot of restaurants and stores where you can shop.

The exterior is quite nice, I suggest you definitely check it out!

Check out the Haagen Dazs ;) 

These mythical creatures were everywhere, protecting the property :)
Inside is very crowded, so keep your belongings safe and if you're shopping, always always haggle over the price. I got to reduce the price of a painting from $60 -> $30, but still felt like I could have gotten it for lower. ;)

This dumping with a straw is very famous so I tried it, but I think it's overrated...I remember paying around 35 yuan.

If you want to check out the chic, modern place in Shanghai, you'd best go to Xintiandi. This is a hip place where you'll find a lot of European style restaurants and stores.

 An antique store I found!

After having looked around, I was shocked by the price of regular pasta (probably equal to around $20) and went to a nearby sushi restaurant under this department store. I paid around $10 for two rolls of sushi which is okay.

If you walk around more towards the financial district, you'll find all those luxury brands where rich shanghaians shop ;)

Next - you should check out the East Nanjing Road where you'll find so many things to see & do!

Most buildings were European style, since Shanghai was once colonized. It almost makes you feel like you're in Europe, not in China.


 China-France diplomatic relation. I noticed a lot of French influence in Shanghai and also French people in the streets.
It's interesting to see Chinese signs and European buildings together.
Make sure you try the Zhen Lao Da Fang, which is a small fried bread with beef inside. (approximately 20 yuan)

On Nanjing Road, you'll be able to find a lot of eateries like this where you can pick fresh fruits for your juice.
 Look at all the exotic fruits!
I got Starfruit and Mango. Soooo good! (Appx. 180 yuan)
Hello, Nicole Kidman.

If you see the Samsung building, that means you're near the People's Square, which you have to go through the underpass. 
The whole park is lit with green lights.

 I think it's nice to have a park in a big city - it lets us relax from the busy city life and enjoy nature. People's Square is actually quite big and you won't hear a lot of noises because it's pretty far from the buildings.
These guys were helping out a friend to propose.

 D'aww. :)

Shanghai, aren't you a romantic city :)


  1. 주가각사진에서 취두부 냄새가 나는듯한 ㅋㅋㅋ 예원 이쁘게 잘 찍었다^_^ 난 관광객마냥 기념사진만 엄청찍구옴 ㅎㅎㅎ
